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Sculpural Marine Habitat Installation
(First of Series)

"Ocean conservation is the future wave."

Ross Power

FUTURE WAVE was created in 1985 to be installed fifty feet under water in the Ross Power Undersea Gallery in the Key Largo Marine Sanctuary.  In order to obtain permits for installing the first undersea art gallery on the seabed, a number of engineering and environmental challenges had to be addressed.  Mr. Power engaged the US Army Corps of

 Stainless Steel - 6.5 FT High x 30 FT Wide

Engineers and the environmental department of the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary to research and to make recommendations to be incorporated into the design and fabrication of FUTURE WAVE so that it would meet all federal and state requirements for this first ever installation. 

Diver visitations to the FUTURE WAVE sculpture and its accompanying creation NO TURNING BACK reduced diving 

pressure on the nearby Molasses Reef.  As a result of the success of the undersea gallery and Mr Power speaking on behalf of ocean conservation, he was honored by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration in Washington DC. 

at Key Largo Marine Sanctuary

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