FOCUS on the ocean

A Sculptural Marine Habitat by Ross Power

FAQ’s on FOCUS On The Ocean

The most frequently asked questions about “Focus”:

1. How big is FOCUS?

2. What is FOCUS made of?

3. Will FOCUS withstand a storm?

4. What are the environmental effects of FOCUS?

5. How deep will FOCUS be submerged?

6. Can a scuba diver swim inside of FOCUS?

7. Why drop art or any manmade object into the ocean?

8. If I don’t dive, how will I see FOCUS?

Still questions about FOCUS? e-mail us:

Answers on FOCUS On The Ocean

1. How big is FOCUS?

FOCUS is eight feet tall and fourteen feet (2.45 x 4.27 Meters) in diameter with a weight of approximately nine-hundred pounds (408 Kg). FOCUS is designed to be big enough for divers to enter and experience the variety of marine life that becomes a permanent part of the art. Yet FOCUS is small enough to be in proportion with the diver and give the experience of discovering an actual Sea Creature, a wonder of the deep. The art work asks the diver to be still and observe with their interaction.


2. What is FOCUS made of?

One-eighth inch ( 2 cm) thick reinforced stainless steel.


3. Will FOCUS withstand a storm?

Yes, “Focus” is securely anchored below the ocean floor with powerful anchoring systems at the four points of contact. Dr. Lee Harris of The Florida Institute of Technology (
see partner page for bio brief) has completed the stability analysis for Focus which determines that it will withstand "the hundred year storm" requirements for Dade county Florida. The anchoring system is determined by first studying the substrate that the sculpture is sitting on, sand rubble or bedrock. The angles of the art deflect rather than create wave resistance and the openings at the top, bottom and sides allow wave action to flow -not resist.



4. What are the environmental effects of FOCUS?

The environmental effects of “Focus” are all positive. Stainless steel is non toxic. Algae forms quickly and becomes the glue for sand and other particles to stick to the surfaces. Next, calcification begins. Barnacles, oysters and other crustaceans along with sponges, soft and hard corals will slowly change the sculptures appearance from starship to starfish. This organic action becomes the food source for the varied marine life that will live within the body of “Focus”. The interior design will allow for a balanced ecosystem to thrive.


5. How deep will FOCUS be submerged?

“Focus” at the Miami Beach location will be forty-five feet (14 Meters) deep. Other global locations may slightly vary.


6. Can a scuba diver swim inside of FOCUS?

Yes, “Focus” is designed for diver interaction and safety. The opening at the top will easily accommodate the largest of divers with full scuba gear. The bottom has a continuous opening large enough for multiple divers to enter and exit simultaneously. “Focus” has been engineered to allow easy entrance and exit for divers, sea turtles, fish or other swimming mammals.


7. Why drop art or any manmade object into the ocean?

Mostly shipwrecks and other forms of artificial reefs, including art, are created for the promotion of reef development where natural reefs have once been damaged or destroyed. Another purpose is to create additional habitat for fish where none exist, the depletion of fish in our oceans is a critical problem facing us today that needs more public attention. Artificial reefs, although mostly thought of as dive destinations for recreational divers, are also used by scientists who will submerge material into the ocean for marine study. The study of our oceans and the marine environment is essential for sustaining a healthy planet including our human condition. The purpose of “Focus” is to create a continuos exciting and interesting art project that will entertain and educate the public through a collaborative effort of artists, scientists and the media.


8. If I don’t dive, how will I see FOCUS?

There will be an ongoing photo contest at each global location documenting “Focus”. These photographs will be published in the two “Focus” table top books, magazine articles and displayed as a part of the “Focus” traveling exhibit and lecture series. Extensive high definition video production will result in T.V. newscasts, talk shows and documentaries for art, nature, travel and learning channels. DVD’s will also be produced along with a dedicated “Focus” web site.


2011 copyright POWER Productions ~ all rights reserved   e-mail:

powered by: aquamotion film & tv

copyright POWER Productions, FOCUS On The Ocean, Ross Power

FOCUS - A Sculptural Marine Habitat by Ross Power - photography by Sid Hoeltzell
FOCUS - A Sculptural Marine Habitat by Ross Power - photography by Sid Hoeltzell
FOCUS - A Sculptural Marine Habitat by Ross Power - photography by Sid Hoeltzell
FOCUS - A Sculptural Marine Habitat by Ross Power - photography by Sid Hoeltzell

photography by Sid Hoeltzell